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Zero Waste Leeds

Zero Waste Leeds

We pride ourselves on deflecting 95% of waste that we collect from landfills.  We’re dedicated to reusing and recycling.  If everybody on earth made an attempt to decrease the waste they produce, then we’d slow down the rate at which the planet is dying.  We wish to help conserve our planet so that future generations may appreciate it as much as we do. 

Ways to Cut Down on Your Waste

Cut down on your buying. This might seem obvious, but cutting down on your purchases will ultimately reduce your waste.  Each year over 20 million tonnes of waste from houses is generated in the United Kingdom.  This is sometimes dramatically cut down if you think about your purchases and only purchase what you want.  Ignore the shops when there are revenue on.  It’s really easy to get sucked in and end up buying something just because it’s a deal.  But how much of a deal is it in case you don’t want it at the first location?  This is particularly relevant towards with black Friday sales and Christmas. Food waste is at an all time high. 

In 2015, wrap estimated that the yearly food waste arisings in UK households, hospitality and food assistance, food manufacture, retail and wholesale industries was approximately 10 million tonnes.  70% of this waste was expected to be consumed, 30% was ‘inedible waste’.  You can easily reduce food waste by just purchasing what you want and using up whatever you purchase.  If something is moving out of date, then see whether you can freeze it.  Do you’ve got leftovers after cooking?  Put it into a container and store it for another day.  Start planning your meals along with batch cooking to make certain you are utilizing all of the produce you have bought. 

Recycle Your Waste

Recycle as far as possible. Another simple way to cut down on your waste is to recycle as much as possible.  We’re fortunate enough that recycling is really common nowadays.  Your local council is going to have some sort of recycling scheme in which you may get your recycling gathered from your house along with your loved ones rubbish. Anything you are able to recycle in your home can be recycled elsewhere.  

WEEE Recycling Leeds

WEEE products can readily be recycled. We provide a kerbside collection service.  It’s worth checking the website of your local council to see what they can help you to recycle.

Plastic Recycling Leeds

Ditch the plastic bags. Plastic bags are a huge environmental issue.  They don’t biodegrade, they sadly photodegrade which means that since they break down, plastic particles contaminate the area they are in.  This can be soil or waterways that can subsequently impact any plants which are growing or our drinking water.  They also have a massive impact on creatures; tens of thousands of animals die annually as a result of eating plastic bags. Any merchant that offers plastic bags and has over 250 employees now, by law, must bill for them. 

The law says that bags should be billed at at least 5p but there are a number of retailers charging around 30p per tote.  This legislation was introduced on October 5th 2015 following the amount of single-use plastic bags handed out in 2014 attained a record high in 7.6billion. Instead of paying for the single-use plastic bags, invest in a cotton bag bag.  All these are a whole lot sturdier and much better for the environment.  You can usually pick them up for around 1 at most shops, so that they ‘re not expensive and can last you a long time. Use up items you own. 

It can be extremely tempting to purchase a new bottle of shampoo when you see it on special offer in the store.  Should you purchase it? What’s going to happen to the jar you already have?  Will you be using this up or will it just sit on your toilet unfinished until you choose to throw it out? The same applies to food items which you may have on your kitchen or cleaning solutions.  Consume what you have and you can search down the replacements which are on particular offer. Avoid plastic packaging. Many items in supermarkets come in plastic packaging that’s completely unnecessary.  

To avoid this, you can go to your local greengrocers or market and purchase your fruits and veggies loose. Where you can, purchase your groceries in bulk.  There are rather a bit of zero waste shops offering a weigh and pay service.  In these shops, you simply take your packaging to fill up and you then pay by weight.  This is very good for things you’d usually purchase in bags such as sugar, rice, nuts etc. some supermarkets are also gradually introducing this into their shops.  This also helps reduce food waste because you are able to purchase only what you need. Carry a reusable jar and coffee cup.  Although many think that takeaway coffee cups are easily recyclable, they really have a thin plastic coating on the interior.  This usually means they can’t only be put in with your usual recycling.  There are a couple coffee shops that can recycle the cups for you, but if you are out and around you might not wish to hold onto it.  This is the reason using a java cup is a great idea.  Many coffee shops also give you a discount on your beverage if you are using your cup. Similarly, acquiring a reusable water bottle is a terrific choice to only use plastic bottles.  Bottled water is quite costly, so you will also save yourself a great deal of money in the long term.  Most restaurants and cafes will happily refill a jar for you.  There are also a great deal of refill stations popping up in rail stations and shopping centres.  If you get a bottle with a built in water filter, you then won’t have to worry about in which you fill it. 

Reuse or Repair

If you are considering throwing something away since it’s broken, think again!  Can the item be repaired?  Can you find another use for this?  When purchasing a few screws means you could repair your computer chair rather than eliminating it, then it’s worth the effort. If that you own a bookcase which ‘s looking a bit worse for wear, will you upcycle it by painting it a different colour?  Or maybe you could put it in the garage for a little extra storage.  Instead of throwing away the set of trousers with a hole in, make the sewing kit out and fix them up.  Anything to avoid adding anything to landfill is worth it. Alternatively, you could donate your unwanted furniture to someone who’d utilize it.  You’re able to use a website such as freecycle to give them away or you can contribute to a furniture charity.

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